The group for the study of the ‚l‚•‚‹‚‚™‚‚‚ Method ‚‰‚Ž ‚e‚•‚‹‚•‚“‚ˆ‚‰‚‚ ‚‚’‚…‚†‚…‚ƒ‚”‚•‚’‚…
‚e‚•‚‹‚•‚“‚ˆ‚‰‚‚ ‚b‚ˆ‚‚‰‚’@‚h‚Ž‚†‚‚’‚‚‚”‚‰‚‚Ž@
‚b‚…‚Ž‚”‚…‚’ ‚‚† The group for the study of the ‚l‚•‚‹‚‚™‚‚‚ Method

‚p•‚`@‚k‚`‚m‚c for the study of the ‚l‚•‚‹‚‚™‚‚‚ Method

Question ‚‚Ž‚„ ‚`‚Ž‚“‚—‚…‚’ of a course of arts and crafts
only in Japanese
After 2000/02/18, the number of the visitors. Person/final renewal day 2000/03/5
@@@ @ ‚i‚‚ˆ‚Ž‚‚Ž@‚…‚Œ‚…‚‚…‚Ž‚”‚‚’‚™@‚“‚ƒ‚ˆ‚‚‚Œ@@‚e‚•‚‚‰‚@‚m‚‚š‚‚‹‚‰inozaki@ht-net21.ne.jp) @ @

key word @Question of a course of arts and crafts @@Answer of Mr.Shingo Sakai
@Answer of Mr.Youichi Mukouyama
@1 @rough sketch picture @Is it better to show an illustrated book when we let pupils draw pictures? @ It's better to show a real picture.
@2 @tool Isn't it so good to use "WARIBASHI(chopstick)pen" in the tool Sakai-type supplementary examination who sees detailed ?
It is used properly by purpose of the theme.
@3 opinion of competition Let us know Mr.Sakai's opinion for a competition?
A competition is good for taking out the child that it wants to praise this child.
@4 scenario "I in the mirror, I" What is the point in putting the scenario "KAGAMINONAKANO BOKU,WATASHI" into practice?
There are four points, bend a nose, the edge of the mirror, back head, and the neighborhood of the nose.
@5 @print Is it true ,a story "80% of the print processes depend on the rough
It is devided into three labors, printing, engraving, and rough sketch.@
@6 @tool Is there a good advice in directing how to use tool palette? A writing brush isn't washed when it goes for the dark color from the
light color.
@7 the
guidance development corresponding to the actual condition of child
What kinds of theme and direction are good in directing pupils who
have delay in their development?
It is seen with a feeling that a hand is added to the child of toddling.
@8 poster How to draw poster? It is made to draw it from the pattern.
@9 croquis What is the effective theme arrangement when we instruct a crotquis
for one year?
It's better to let pupils draw a whole.
10 appreciative guidance Is there a good method of appreciative guidance? The system which connects a picture in the Internet and which can be
taken out completely is being developed.
The thing that education contents has been made by the Teacher's Organization of
Skill Sharing movement is made as a base, and it wants to give it to it.

@@@To the Sakai Mehtod of painting (in Japanese)

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